Friday, January 03, 2003

Damn cramps put me behind.
me @ 9:25 PM

Thursday, January 02, 2003

So what's all about in 2003?

I always wondered why we have a need to start new things at a specific beginning. Isn't it just procrastination? Perhaps that's why we make choose New Year's Day to begin our resolutions which doesn't make much sense because January 1 is a holiday for most and the party continues until the official end of the day. Most of us won't really start our resolutions until at least January 2nd and consider January 2nd the end of the Thanksgiving Day to New Year's Day holiday season. But this year January 2nd starts on a Thursday and everybody knows the end of the week is a terrible time to start fresh at work. So most of us won't take anything too seriously until Monday, January 6th. That's equal to about 5 pounds for me so I've decided to buck the trend and continue my resolutions started in 2002 on Saturday, December 4th. But then again I condensed my holiday season starting on Monday, December 23rd and ending 12 days later so I wouldn't be in danger of breaking any 21 day rules. will be two years old at the end of this month. She has gone through a lot of changes since her immaculate conception. She learned how to crawl, walk, talk, and carry big javascripts over the past two years. There have been times she was doted upon almost obsessively on a daily basis and other times totally abandoned. She's been a whim, a vent machine, and a learning tool. Now she's thinking it's time for either more of the same or something different based on the way you see it.

MissChicky would like to be your best friend - especially if you live in Atlanta, will be visiting Atlanta, or just want to know what's good about it. Every morning I hope to keep you posted on what random things are looking like in Atlanta plus what I'm currently liking in music, culture, food, beauty, fashion, and my ever changing self.

Sorry but I'm a 27.8 plus and its making me feel philosophical. I'm not usually happy to see a day end. But January 1, 2003 is one day I'm glad has ended as I just survived 24 hours of severe cramps without the benefit of Advil also known as nuclear cramp medicine. The dreaded cramps snuck up on me in the wee hours of the morning despite trying real hard to fight them off for a big holiday like New Year's Day. Survival tactics included all night hot baths, lots of sleep at the wrong time of day, and blowdryer heat to the achy body parts. Cramps are evil. No matter how much I wanted to be excited and motivated in my resolutions on the first day of the year it was impossible to deal with anything but the mere presence of the evil cramps. But today is day two and the cramps have passed. Let us begin.

Congratulations to Sugar Bowl Champs - Georgia Bulldogs!